Hey! Pastor Tony here and today is Day One of Fast Forward '24
Please take some time and determine between you and the Lord what it is that you need to give up in order to focus on him in order to grow in our faith and to expand territory. Again, the theme this year is establishing Faith and expanding territory. I wanted to give you a Scripture today just to encourage you and to help you to be ready to move forward over the next few days. Our fast runs from March 20th to the 29th.
We'll break our fast on the 30th and we'll celebrate together following our drive-thru prayer at 10:00am. We'll meet at Steve's Classic Burgers off of St Andrews Road.
Let me get into the word today Philippians 3:12-14 says:
"Not that I've already obtained this or I'm already perfect but I press on to make it my own because Christ Jesus has made me his own Brothers I do not consider that I've made it my own but one thing I do I forget what lies behind and I strain forward to what lies ahead I press on toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
I want to encourage you today that whatever you do over the next 10 days I want you to begin to think about establishing faith maybe in a specific area of your life:
is it in your relationship with God or others
is it in your finances
is it in your prayer belief for miracles
What is it that God wants to establish faith in for your life?
One of the ways to establish is we have to LET GO of the things of the past. There's old mindsets, there's belief patterns, there's there's things that have happened in our past that challenge our hope for the the future and so we have to lay aside those things.
Then it says STRAIN FORWARD. It doesn't always come easy sometimes you have to press into your future sometimes you have to work to move into that place, to strain forward. Sometimes, it doesn't come easily.
Next, we want to look at is expanding territory. This focus is to actually take ground that we don't have right now. Perhaps, it's ground that the enemy has control of, or perhaps, it's areas that you've yet to unlock in your life because you haven't been willing to take a risk or you haven't taken a step of faith and so we want to move forward and expand our territory and to grow in those areas that God's called us to live and to dwell in and for us.
At ICON Church, our desire is to expand our reach into the city and to even expand our territory in the sense of taking ownership of a facility and being able to have a a greater opportunity to impact people for the kingdom of God and so today - on Day One - let go of the past, press toward the future, and take new ground! Be Iconic Call To Action:
Take a moment and share this to one of your friends! For a great resource on fasting, check this out: https://jentezenfranklin.org/fastingbasics